Listen meditatively. Be heard.
Both speaking and listening are part of the healing that listening circles offer.
Speaking mindfully with the attentive listening of the group is often deeply restorative.
When listening, it’s a meditative practice - being present to yourself and the moment, as well as to the other. Practicing listening in this way can lighten your experience in the therapy room.
The meeting, an hour long, will begin with a few minutes of grounding and connecting to the body and to emotion. Guidelines for Listening Circles, also called Way of Council, will follow.
The circle is limited in number. Everyone who wishes will have a few minutes to speak from the heart and receive the listening presence of the group.
We’ll end with a moment of gratitude for the space we’ve created.
Hi, I’m Margo.
Clinical Social Worker and Therapist
I work with people coping with difficult relationships, anxiety, illness and loss, in Jerusalem and online.
In my twenty years as a therapist I’ve seen that the listening we provide is perhaps the most powerful component of therapeutic healing. I want us to get heard too.
Maybe you’ve heard this joke: How do you emotionally regulate a therapist? Answer: Put a client in front of them.
​This resonates for me and mindful listening is why.
Price goes up to $35 on July 1