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Calm in Conflict MEETUPS

Practical TOOLS  for being CALM and CONFIDENT in  Fights and Arguments,  in your Family or Couple.

Is it possible to choose your response during fights and arguments and to feel okay during and after?

It is. After years of losing it in my own complicated relationships, I figured out how to stand my ground and bring healing. Now I teach these tools in my therapy practice. 

New Workshop: How to be Compassionate during Couple or Family Conflict

Dec 16th, noon US East or join me for a replay with Q&A, Dec 18th,  10am, Israel. 

When you're upset, during fights and arguments

Just in time for the holidays...


Join me to learn

  • The power of compassion in couple and family conflict

  • Why is it the hardest to access in our most precious relationships?

  • How to practice compassion when you need it most


  • An anonymous question portal if that’s the most comfortable way to ask me anything

  • A pdf summary

  • Recording of the teaching segment (no participants will be recorded).

Let's Break the Silence

As a clinical social worker, therapist, and workshop leader, I've seen how these tools change lives. But not if we don't talk about it. 


​Let’s support and inspire each other in healing and strength


Let’s build a community of people who are working on this together, one small step at a time​​

I've been acting a lot calmer lately, and I attribute it to the effects of your class.

Name withheld to protect participants' privacy


Can you imagine what the world would look like, if we, and our leaders, could breathe through quarrels and flare-ups?

If we could choose our response, develop compassion for ourselves and for the other? If we could stand our ground, honoring our own opinion and our own truth, while also acknowledging the other person's humanity?

Just imagine what it would look like if we each knew what's possible to accomplish during conflict and what's not. If we directed our energies to the possible instead of escalating terribly by making the same destructive mistakes over and over again.

Imagine such a world. Now, begin with yourself, your couple, your family, or any important relationship where conflict disrupts your life and throws you off the path of living by your values and dreams.

Hi, I’m Margo.

Clinical Social Worker and Therapist

I've been a therapist for twenty years, and mindfulness is my favourite tool for helping my clients live well even with some of life's most challenging problems - difficult relationships, anxiety, illness and loss - and to create loving relationships and fulfilling lives.


As clinical director of a leading nonprofit, I developed and led workshops that trained thousands of medical and nursing professionals to deal with angry patients and family members and conduct conversations about the most painful issues.


But in difficult conversations in my own relationships, all my mindfulness and confidence could disappear if I felt misunderstood or triggered.


So I crafted a mindfulness practice specifically for heated conflict with the people I love. These tools have changed my life. I want you to have them too.

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I just wanted to let you know that the tools have been transformative for me and life-changing. I'm not angry anymore.

Name withheld to protect participants' privacy

Answers to FAQ

This is a standalone workshop that will give you tools you can use even if you never purchase anything else. I plan to have regular meetups that continue to teach more skills.


Anonymous question portal. The  meetup includes time for discussion. But if you'd rather ask a question anonymously, I'll be sending a link where you can to do this. If I don't answer your question during the meetup, I'll send my answer by email to all participants without identifying, in any way, the person who asked.

These tools work in conflict in any important relationship. People have come because of conflict with their life partner, their child, or another close relative, as well as their boss or a close friend. Anyone who’s important to you and who you have conflict with in a way that disrupts your life.

You’ll learn tools that are simple and doable even with no background in mindfulness. But if you love and practice mindfulness, you may be even more frustrated than others about how it all disappears for you during an argument. I teach how to do it even in situations that are triggering.

Yes, you can change the situation even if they're the ones who start conflict and keep it going.


Many of my clients and participants have lived with long-term conflict. Often, it’s the same arguments that come up over and over and have been unresolved for years, no matter what they’ve tried. These skills work for that too, though it may be a longer process.

You don't have to respond well to someone who's misbehaving. This work is a choice, and that doesn’t obligate you to practice it all the time. By learning this approach, you’ll have the option of choosing your response.


I'm a therapist. But this is not therapy. Anyone can benefit from these tools but they're not designed with abusive relationships in mind. If this is your situation, please consult a local professional.

I couldn’t have done this last month if not for these tools. Everyone around me was freaking out and I was just staying calm and responding how I wanted to.

Name withheld to protect participants' privacy

Monday, December 16th, noon US Eastern
Replay with Q&A Wed Dec 18th,  10am Israel

That's midnight between Tues and Wed, West Coast US

$40     Early bird discount extended for you


Why an early bird price? To help you make a decision.

Includes PDF and recording of teaching segment and access to anonymous question portal


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